Thursday, 17 June 2010

Day 36 - bringing awareness

So laura suggests bringing awareness to your food and finding out exactly what food means to you!

She suggests the following

  1. Ask for help. Set the intention and ask for help in bringing awareness to your eating. Be prepared for insights to arise. When they do write them down in the space below.

    I ask for help but then get bad tempered if I am doing something naughty as I feel like I have "been caught out like a cheating naughty school girl"

    I continue to remind my family to make a sign if they think I am making poor choices!

  2. As you go through your day, notice your eating triggers and record them in the space below. How does eating happen for you? How do you decide when and what to eat? Start to notice your eating triggers. What are the emotions and thoughts that send you racing toward the fridge? When you're bored, is your first impulse to get some food? Your thoughts. What are you thinking about? Are you anxious about paying your bills? Are you replaying an uncomfortable conversation from earlier in the day? Your feelings. What are you feeling? Are you stressed, anxious, angry, or fearful? Does the life you're living suit you? Are you doing what you love to do? If your overall choices aren't right for you, you're going to feel depressed, and that depression will fuel your food issues.

    Stress, tiredness and boredom are definitely my triggers

  3. Appreciate yourself for completing this exercise.

    I appreciate still being here 36 days later

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