Sunday, 6 June 2010

Day 25 - list your comfort foods

If you have been reading my blog from the beginning you know that I struggle with the following foods I use as comfort foods

Salt and Vinegar crisps,
Mc Donalds Cheese burgers
Mc Donalds fries
Anyone else's fries

and when I am at a party I find it hard to say no to any type of food even when I don't even like what is offered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine,

    I have been reading through you're blog. You are doing amazingly well! It is so clear that you are transforming your relatiohship to food. Don't worry that you are still thinking a lot about food. You're food thoughts will drop away. When they are arise. Just notice them and turn away and do or think about something else.

    I think about you every day!! Keep up the phenomenal work and appreciate yourself for all of your efforts!
